About me

Hello! My name is Jessica and I am a 13 year old fashion enthusiast from England. I hope you enjoy looking through my blog!

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Pom Pom garland

This is a really cute, fun and easy diy activity to do and the end result was better than I was expecting because I'm not very good at diy projects. You could use orange and black wool to create a halloween themed garland, red and gold wool to create a Christmas garland. The great thing about it is that you can use different colours to suit the different times if the year!

Things you'll need:

  • Any coloured wool
  • Scissors
  • A fork 
What to do:

1. Begin by wrapping the wool tightly around the fork like you'd twist spaghetti around a fork. Wrap it around about 30-60 times, depending on how big you'd like your pom pom to be.

2. Cut the wool once you've wrapped it around the amount of times you wanted to and tie the two ends together.

3.Pull all of the wrapped wool off the fork and tie it again really tightly so that it's secure.

4. Cut the loops of the tied wrapped up wall like this:

It should now look like this:

5. Repeat the process of making the pom poms then cut a long piece of wool and tie the pom poms onto that piece of wool and cut off the remaining ends of the wool.

Now you have your finished garland! YAY!

Halloween Decorations

Happy Halloween everybody! The time has come when the pumpkins are carved and houses are transformed into spooky retreats! Here are some cute decorations I have found on a shop on the internet called Etsy which will make your home fitting with the season. Mwahahaha!!

1.- This is a cute decorated bunting and there are halloween characters sewn onto it. This was £11.99 from a seller on Etsy which is a bit overpriced however you could use it other years too.

2.-These are 3 cute knitted pumpkins which are different sizes and they were £24.00. They are very fitting with the season and they could be used for many years as long as they don't get damaged in the loft or wherever you would place them!

3.-This is a nice pom pom garland which is £13.50 on Etsy which would be nice by a fireplace. However, I think it would be cheap and easy to make yourself using some wool and a fork so I might show you how to do that in another post!

4.-These are really cute letters that obviously spell out BOO and the patterns are very suited with the season. To be honest I can't find them on the side but a bit of rummaging on the website would be good because they're so lovely. I think they were around £23.00 and I'm sorry I don't know the exact price.

5.-This is a really nice picture to put on the wall of your home because it can be personalized to your family's traditions. On Etsy, it costs £18.00 which is a decent price considering it can be personalized.

So I hope this has helped you with ideas about decorating your home this halloween and I just wanted to tell you that I wasn't sponsored by Etsy; I just found some lovely things on that website! I hope you enjoyed this post!
